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what to say to someone who is questioning god

He bore our sins in His own body (1 Pet 2:24). And they’re afraid that because they’ve struggled with this lust, the strong desire, that’s what a lust is, they think, “Well, this person won’t like me,” or “They’ll tell me never come over to our house again,” or they’ll treat them …. Get the facts. When you can get at the source of her current struggle you will be in a better position to offer her direction. Does God change? - “It must have been his time to go.” Lead people to Christ. In the Bible, we often see believers questioning God such as Habakkuk who asks why is this evil happening? God later answers him and he rejoices in the Lord. His question was coming from a sincere heart. The problem is many people often question God with a rebellious untrusting heart not truly trying to get an answer from the Lord. And the best way for a pre-Christian to get answers is to be invited to a church that is holding a God Questions c ampaign. As Christian communicators seek to blend grace with truth, {2} an increasing number … First, simply tell her you care and that you want to listen. Our questions matter to God. Some of what we learn is designed just for us. Maybe you’re facing a similar situation. Many are open to considering Him, but they often have questions they want answered before they are willing to accept Christ. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. What we should always remember is to ask every question with a respectful and humble attitude of faith, not out of pride and hatred. God will not punish us for asking him questions just like He did not punish biblical people for questioning Him. Who do YOU say Jesus is? You don't need to say anything profound. But they did not realize that a greater than John the Baptist was among them. Sin is the reason for people going to hell, and while rejecting the gospel is sin, any sin is enough to cause eternity in hell. The creation story in Genesis is often used to claim that God doesn’t make transgender people, that God only makes male and female. Even Jesus doesn't know. God: "God" is an old English word which may have its origins in the Proto-Indo-European word ghu, which means to pour a libation. I heard a quote once that said the most important thing about a person is who they say Jesus is, and I believe this to be true with every part of my being. Hurting people everywhere need God. God created you. The Question of God . For the statement to be true, I must know for certain that there is no God in the entire universe. The Bible says, “Man’s days are determined; you (God) have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed” (Job 14:5). When we “question God,” it should be from a humble spirit and open mind. We can question God, but we should not expect an answer unless we are genuinely interested in His answer. God knows our hearts, and knows whether we are genuinely seeking Him to enlighten us. Our heart attitude is what determines whether it is right or wrong to question God. IDENTITY. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed about by … God invites us to enjoy close fellowship with Him. And of course, Christians are called to do good to all people and to take the gospel to both Jews and gentiles (Rom. God said to Moses, “Tell them I AM sent you.” Not “I was.” Not “I will be.” Just “I AM—there never was a time when I was not. In my experience working in the religious world, the people who tend to ask the question, "Do you believe in God?" Bible verses related to Questioning God from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order Isaiah 55:8-9 - For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are … Faith leaders debate tough questions amid pandemic. So in answer to your second question, it isn’t so much that God had a human son, but that God’s son became human for our sake. He is not part of the creation, like the angels and ourselves. So often one of the best things to say is, “I don’t know what to say.”. The biblical heroes of the faith rejoiced in both aspects of God’s sovereignty. You are not an accident. How does it make you feel that one day God will “judge the world with justice” (v.31)? This list is not meant to be put on a piece of paper that you pull out of your pocket or purse as you start talking to someone. So often that conclusion is passed off as the only one acceptable to scholars or as the obvious result of the intellectual process. Then you offer it. In Elie Wiesel's Night, Eliezer is a Jewish teenager, a devoted student of the Talmud from Sighet, in Hungarian Transylvania. For He does what no philosopher, teacher, or religious leader can do. And when our questions are driven by hunger and thirst for righteousness, Jesus promises that we will be satisfied (Matthew 5:6). He will explain what He can, when He can, like any good father. That is the one thing we must not say. 1. God Bless...and keep seeking and refining your knowledge of the truth. Jesus asked the Jewish teachers questions as a 12 year-old: 46 Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. In verse 15 David rebukes Abner for not guarding Saul and says he deserved to die. God made heaven, earth, angels, saints, our bodies, our souls, everything! I would say that, too.” Sure, everybody here would probably stand up and say, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” But Peter was the first person in human history ever to say it out loud. Many find comfort in thinking the last moments for someone who commits suicide include that person asking God to forgive them before the actual suicide. People who get mad at God often feel guilty about their anger, thinking it makes God angry with them. To say categorically, “There is no God,” is to make an absolute statement. 7. Will I be punished if I am angry at God because I feel miserable and alone? In short, an honest question is not a sin, but a bitter, untrusting, or rebellious heart is. In the Old Testament He gives us the principle (see illustration in 1 Kings 11:1-8). 1. I can ask questions about God and the way He runs this world from today till tomorrow, and I am still just as powerless -- and just as confused. God Warns Us To Not Be Judgmental. Having doubts is different from questioning God’s sovereignty and attacking His character. You just need to show up and be with them. Editor’s Note: Many people – even many Christians – today don’t have the least clue about the classic theism that defines the orthodox Faith. Oh, no, The Book says they are, and The Book doesn't lie. God, as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, is not just the explanation for the beginning of the universe, but for the existence of anything at all—whether past, present, or future. QUESTIONS POSED TO JOB (38:4-39:30) 1. People whose circumstances lead them to illegitimate work are not necessarily bad people. People may question the Bible’s accuracy or reliability. As for proponents of intelligent design, some raise reasonable questions about the limits of biology, but their answers—which invoke some sort of divine intervention--are pathetically inadequate. Questions can be a great help in mourning our loss, communicating our frustration, and expressing our feelings. In doing this, God is good. There is no question … Some choose to, others choose not to, some condemn them who do, others are not sure but desire clear Spirit led Biblical Answers. So what might you say? (Ephesians 2:10) Notice two points in this verse: 1. The article 10 Things Not to Say to a Suicidal Person is’s most popular post. God is also all loving—according to the Bible, "God is love" (1 John 4:16). A: When we will die is not a matter of accident or chance; the Bible makes it clear that our lives are in God’s hands. Talk about success, but ask questions about its emptiness. We struggle with questions and God often whispers guidance to us…yet we have trouble following His voice. We belong to an almighty, transcendent, yet approachable God who loves hearing our questions. We often hear people say, “Do not judge lest you be judged.” Sometimes this statement is followed by a display of anger. I think for a person to day” “God bless you” Is very thoughtful, I choose to bless others rather than say, God curse you, we live in a society where there is so much hate, why not just bless each other when ever we can, even strangers, it may put a smile on someone face that has lost hope in God and people.. feel free to say, God bless you to me at anytime.. God is a spirit: infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, power, wisdom, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. Tip 2: Know what to say to someone … 3. Printable pdf Version of this Study Being angry or disappointed with God is a troubling subject for many believers, and a common one for all. Look at the Psalms. David not raising his hand to touch (harm physically) God’s anointed is used in 1 Sam.26:9,11,23. You talk to good people here in Oklahoma or anywhere else you can think of, and they'll say, "Well, no, I don't hate God. Matthew 5:44 says, "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." But after that moment I realized that I did trust in Christ and he was my Savior. I think some people would read that statement and say, “Well, that’s no big deal. This is one of those moments where a decision has to be made. A long-time acquaintance. Adam and the Eve knew the punishment for sin (Genesis 2:17), but they sinned anyway, going against the plain commandment of God.Adam knowingly sinned (1 Timothy 2:14), so his punishment was brought upon himself.Most people fail to realize, however, that all mankind sinned in Adam as we were … Jesus either is the Messiah, or he is not. Speak to that. The question “What does the bible say about those who have never heard the gospel?” should not be an accusation against God as though he is doing something unjust. When Moses was about to confront Pharaoh and deliver God’s people, he asked God what he should say. What to Say (and Not to Say) to Someone Who’s Depressed One of the worst things about depression is the loneliness and the sense of the world getting on with things without you. The Bible doesn’t say he is ‘all loving.’ It says that God is love. God is at the center of our faith (or at least he should be). That’s a reasonable question, a common question, and also one that’s easily answered. Have I been guilty of it? Some people are hindered greatly by doubt; some see it as a springboard to life; and others see it as an obstacle to be overcome. 2.) The doctrine of the Trinity is not derived from pagan beliefs but was developed from the plain teaching of Scripture. Deuteronomy 22:21 condemns prostituting yourself, for example, yet Christ's response to prostitutes was not condemnation, but deliverance (Luke 7:47-50; Matthew 21:31-32). Even those with faith in God struggle with doubt on occasion and say with the man in Mark 9, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (verse 24). When someone comes right out, calling themselves a Christian, but then tries to teach that we are not to worship God or Jesus, those I do questions. Other people say they want to believe in God, but they’re not sure they can. It will always be handy, and set you apart. Instead, he honestly sought God and, in time, God reached down and brought comfort to him. Don’t question God because you think He must be wrong; He isn’t. Here are the 6 main questions people ask and the short answer to each question… If you insist upon disbelief in God, what you must say is, Yet when Jesus went to the cross, He took the sins of all people, throughout all time, upon Himself. '. What does God say about channeling and mediums? But I don’t think God calls us to a blind faith. They do understand sadness and someone … The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * ǵhu-tó-m was likely based on the root * ǵhau(ə)-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke". The Creed continues “the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.”. 6 "For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. But Job saw God’s greatness and love in a new way–and that made all the difference. That will mean more than any words you can say. In fact, God calls him/her a fool. Why does God let people die? “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But this is the first question from God and on the surface level He is calling out to Adam, asking where He is. We know that God is a person, because the Bible says that God made us in His image, and we are people! If you talk to someone who respects the Bible, you’ll likely hear about one all-powerful deity, the big guy upstairs who created and watches over us all. Jesus said "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." The above example shows that God gives us the right to protect our possessions and to do what is needed to defend ourselves (even though it says nothing about killing someone). I was still wondering and questioning in my mind. Omar Ricci knew the title of his khutbah, or sermon, at the Islamic Center of Southern California would catch some people off … I believe He welcomes our questions and wants to work through them with us. But that story also says God separated the night from the day. The normal answer is “Fine,” and the standard counter-greeting is to respond equally when someone asks you the same question. Of course, the reasons why people say that Christians are judgmental is because they disagree with the moral judgments we make. On the other hand, if someone has questions ‘about’ things in the Bible or about why certain things happen, that’s questioning history rather than questioning my own faith in God. (Read More...) You find the same thing in verse 18: He is the only God and he is at the Father’s side. However, one can indeed say that getting to Heaven is not an easy thing and that we need all the graces possible in order to persevere in holiness to the end, and that the greatest graces available to us are found in and through the Sacraments. In the Bible, it is used for the Hebrew Elohim, which just means god, but since God is the only true god, it's an appropriate identifier. These are serious questions that engage the attention of the devout person. Discover God's love for you. Jesus Himself commands Baptism and tells us that Baptism is water used together with the Word of God … Therefore, none of us is able to truthfully make this assertion. 1. If Jesus and God are the essence of love, why does the Bible so often threaten us with hell and damnation? These Preachers Say God Promised a 2nd Trump Term. - Sort By Book Order. Some of the questions will initiate conversations that could be labeled pre-evangelism. Quotes tagged as "questions" Showing 1-30 of 807. The Trinity. “DEALING WITH ANGER TOWARD GOD” by Dr. D. W. Ekstrand. In the greater world around us human disobedience, indifference and disbelief often disrupt the flow of His compassion. He is not tempted, nor does He tempt others ( … Their guilt sometimes drives them into feeling condemned, or distant from God. From the time of His death and resurrection, people have wrestled with this very question. Only one source: the local church. The people who attend church on Sundays must become the people who can answer questions on Mondays. Led by pastors and church leaders, what our world needs today is 1 Peter 3:15 people— people who are prepared to give answers. "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. A few ideas: i. 2. “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”. To reject God the Father is a very serious thing. No human being has all knowledge. Other passages teach that God expects us to make judgments about individuals. The question of whether or not the discussion of whether or not God is real, can be discussed in polite company or with people you don't know so well. If someone told a story like that about someone today, we’d think they’d lost their mind! This position is best summed up by Bertrand Russell's statement that if he met God and was asked why he did not believe he would declare, "Because you did not provide enough evidence". He desires to act with kindness and gentleness towards human beings. Which, in real language means: "Being God means never having to say you're sorry!" But blessing the Israel of God means, in this new covenant era, blessing the church of Christ—supporting its work, doing good to its people, striving for its peace and purity, and so forth. You might ask the atheist, “What evidence have you found that proves to you that there isn’t a God? When God heals because He is compassionate. Furthermore, God has answers to our questions. Let me give you an example. Can one obtain pardon for it? Bible verses related to Questioning God from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. Preschooler: Preschoolers are learning to deal with separation—Mommy comes back when she leaves me—and may not understand the permanency of physical death. The one who was beheaded and now have come back to life. (John 1:1) This Word is a divine person. People may question the Bible’s authorship, but the Bible claims to be the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). The disciples asked Jesus questions to better understand what He was saying: When he had left the crowd and entered the house, His disciples questioned Him about the parable (Mark 7:17). ... and Jeremiah—who risked life and limb to deliver holy writ to God’s people. The 6 Key Questions People Ask about God. Here are the 6 main questions people ask and the short answer to each question: 1. Is God real? The simple answer to this is "Yes, and He's given pointers to His existence all over the universe." Psalm 19:1 says, The heavens declare the glory of God" (MEV). God certainly does not mind when we ask Him questions. Some people act as if an intellectual pursuit of God is either unnecessary or ungodly. Several hundred have left comments. Good question. (v.2) A person who is close to God … French philosopher and activist Simone Weil was born into a wealthy, agnostic Jewish family of intellectuals in Paris. The first thing we have to do is define God. No one can say whether or not someone will end up in Hell, that is a judgment reserved for God alone. But we know that dusk and dawn exist. God hears our heart’s questions. For many people, one of the most fearful terms to be found in the New Testament is the word “blasphemy.” Blasphemy is represented as a horrible sin, but what is it? I can't prove there is no God and you can't prove there is. Answers to some of the most common questions about God. God is one Being in three Persons. ANSWER: Lutherans believe that the Bible teaches that a person is saved by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. God responds with a call to patiently wait until the proper time. But there's an even deeper reason why that question is the wrong one to ask. People want someone to be near them as they deal with the dying process. “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”. Divine. are the ones who hope the answer is "yes," while the people who tend to be asked are the ones who are more inclined to say "no" or "I'm not sure." Keep in mind that we are in the last days and there … 2. The Bible says that God is a Spirit, so it's hard to say what he looks like exactly! I love God, I believe in Him, I'm not His enemy." Some claim Jesus was simply a good moral teacher. Jesus told His disciples that it is by their love for one another that people, all people in fact, will know who His disciples are (John 13:34-35). How do I learn who I am in Christ? Try to discover if she was hurt or is angry. God is the greatest conceivable being. But God the Father and God the Son (along with God the Holy Spirit) always lived in a perfect relationship and perfect unity. 1:16; Gal. I will always be. So, you say it, you agree with God, but then you make effort to go the other way. If she is questioning God and death that means that she is probably hurt by a tragedy related to that. 6:10). The first issue can be answered with a question, “Is the person you are thinking about marrying a believer in Jesus Christ?”. Jesus Christ , God Knows Everything. God warns us to marry only Christians. Some say Jesus, that you are: John the Baptist. Try to understand her questions and confusion. When I have questions, concerns, or would like insight on a matter, God speaks to me through the Bible. Isaiah 55:8-9 - For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD. When you ask people to believe and trust in God, it is like asking a blind person to admire the intricacies of the Mona Lisa. The earliest written form of the Germanic word God comes from the 6th-century Christian Codex Argenteus.The English word itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic * ǥuđan. Three Tough Questions Kids Ask About God 1. A. Related to the earth b. The clear explanations found in God’s Word may surprise you. Other people say they want to believe in God, but they’re not sure they can. So you plead with him: “Receive the gift. I would say be an awesome friend to her, pray, listen, and wait on tackling this issue directly for a little bit. Now, how can The Book say that when people say the opposite. 2. Be Careful When Questioning God. The story also says that God separated land from sea. Such an attitude would be wrong, as God is perfect and never sins or lies ( Hebrews 6:18 ). God sees our questions as a sign that we want to know God better. Introduction. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." That is what happens in any relationship that has value. The Psalmist says: "The Lord is just in all his ways, and kind in all his doings." “WHY ARE WE HERE?” Some may wonder: ‘Why do humans live for only 80 or 90 years and then … No one knows. Questions concerning inanimate nature (38:16-38) a. Almost a half-million people have viewed it in the last 2½ years. 3. In fact, many people get angry with God from time to time. What is the significance of the cross and the crucifixion of Jesus? [tweet this] Our questions are important to Him, and the Scriptures are full of hurting people asking questions. When they are challenged, for example, to show evidence of God in our world, they think – as do the critics – that God should be a perceivable object like other objects in the world instead of the very ground of all Being. King David said, “The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19).Later he prayed, “Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Before long, they are rounded up and shipped… Illust. For this reader, the most important question of her life and faith right now is if she should be in a relationship with someone who believes in God, but doesn’t share her depth of faith. No, all his questions weren’t answered–nor will yours be. Bottom line: Jesus clearly communicated that He and the Father are one and are God. When you're asking a question with an expected … Then Jesus asks the disciples the question “Who do you say that I am?”. Channeling is a modern name for what the Bible calls mediumship or spiritism. God has a plan for you. (Isaiah 29:16; Isaiah 45:9).Hath not the potter power (rather, authority) over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? Genesis 3, the same chapter that tells of Adam’s sin, promises a remedy to death. You are calling out to those who are dead in sins and trespasses, to come to life. And they shouldn't have to. 3. I think your questions have actually been put on your heart BY God. There is one true power that God has given me and all mankind -- the power of prayer. The person who asked the question mentioned Jehovah’s Witnesses, and it brings to mind a story that I haven’t told for many years. A few examples are Genesis 49:16; Exodus 18:13-26 and Numbers 35:24. Other Voices . Bearing arms has been a question for many Christians. Whattaya do when someone asks: who created God? In spite of every human failure imaginable, in spite of Satan's most powerful opposition, that is exactly what God did. A series of increasingly repressive measures are passed, and the Jews of Eliezer’s town are forced into small ghettos within Sighet. Think about this: All of us would be lost except for the fact that the God of justice is also a God of love. When a person has repented of sin and asked for God’s mercy and the gift of God’s Holy Spirit, God lives and works in that person, through the power of that Spirit. Jesus’ distinct claims of being God eliminate the popular ploy of skeptics who regard Him as just a good moral man or a prophet who said a lot of profound things. No matter how much it may affect your reputation or hurt you. What God shows me in the Bible is always perfectly suited to my question, and a better, more satisfying answer than I expected. The one crying in the wilderness wearing camel hair and eating locust urging the people to repent and turn to God and baptizing them in the Jordan River. - “All things work together for good; God will bring good from this.” - “God never gives us more than we can handle.” Don’t be fatalistic. 1 Corinthians 13:12 ESV / 40 helpful votes. In the wake of loss and disaster, we struggle to understand how a God who is all-powerful and all-knowing can also be considered good and loving. The Bible is full of answers on all kinds of subjects. A channeler is a mystic who becomes a channel, or receptive agent, for intelligent communications coming from the spirit world. What is holiness? They’re picturing a family member with a terminal illness, a friend who’s been the victim of a violent crime or someone who feels persecuted by what they perceive as Christian beliefs. Through the Christ, God would reconcile people to Himself by forgiveness; and, through new life in the Christ, God would allow people to become His sons and daughters. I have learned that asking questions is a way to demonstrate humility; because its a confession that I don't have the answer When we “question God,” it should be from a humble spirit and open mind. There was a woman named Diane who was not only a Jehovah’s Witness, but who also trained other Jehovah’s Witnesses on what to say and how to persuade people when they go door to door. Is God of the book of Genesis the same God of today? People in grief want to know that others are, in a sense, carrying some of the sorrow that they are experiencing — just by the fact that others express that they care. You have a purpose in life. 4. In fact, God has invited us, “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord… (Isaiah 1:18). Questioning the Bible in an unhealthy way can easily happen in these core areas: 1. He who knew no sin, became sin for us (2 Cor 5:21). For example in Luke 8,13 they say to me that there are people who believe only for a time: “for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away”. posed by the serpent. “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”. Some people say outright that they don’t believe in God. Questions concerning the Creation (38:4-15) a. Jesus’ Claims to be God – Yes, Jesus Said He is God. When we are angry, upset, frustrated and are hurting, we tend to lash out and say the wrong thing not only to God but to other people. God doesn’t have anything nice to say to the atheist. Paul explains that God doesn’t want people to worship idols, but instead “He commands all peo-ple to repent” (v. 30). It is so easy to excuse bad behavior by saying, “Well I did the right thing.” He speaks truth in his heart. As we’ve been answering these questions, we’ve learned that Jesus is more than some magical physician.

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